Help with translations

WordPressChess needs your help translating the plugin to different languages.

If you’re familiar with translating WordPress plugins, we will appreciate receiving a .po or .mo file from you.

Poedit is a great tool for translating a plugin. Our template .pot file can be found here.

Translations can be sent to

Thank you for your help.

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8 Responses

  1. Hi Alf, I`ll do my best with the spanish translation.
    Kind Regards and thanks for your great job

  2. Wael says:

    Hi, Sir, Can I help to translate it in Chinese Language, Wish your effort could benefit millions of fans from China 🙂

  3. Luis says:


    In the translation into Spanish ( there are two important erroneous translations:

    You play black – It has been translated by

    Juegas con blancas

    that translation is wrong, the correct translation is

    Juegas con negras


    You play white – It has been translated by

    Juegas con negras

    that translation is wrong, the correct translation is

    Juegas con blancas

  4. tonyhuang says:

    Hi alf

    i have sent you the chinese language po and mo files by email.

    please help to publish the chinese language support,thanks.maybe my chineses site can help to do the test if you need.


  5. Vito says:

    Hi Alf, I’ve made an italian translation…but this is the response of the server when i try to send it to you :
    550 5.1.1 : Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table

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