Monthly Archive: March 2017


PGN special codes

Support for special tags in the PGN has now been added to WordPressChess. These tags are added as comments in the pgn. This feature is supported for the The special tags are added inside...



Feature PRO version Free Version Support for shortcode Support for shortcode One game tactic puzzles using the shortcode Display custom board arrows Show tactic puzzles from database Rated tactics for registered users Opening training...


Help with translations

WordPressChess needs your help translating the plugin to different languages. If you’re familiar with translating WordPress plugins, we will appreciate receiving a .po or .mo file from you. Poedit is a great tool for...


Game viewer – computer mode

With WordPressChess, you can use the comp_toggle=1 attribute to play StockfishJS from any position. This attribute adds the computer button too the button bar as you can see below(right button). When you click this...


Display Standings tables

In addition to displaying chess boards, puzzles etc, you can also use WordPressChess to show leaderboards/standings for a tournament. The leaderboards are automatically calculated by WordPressChess from the games in your database. To render...


Puzzles – Find Pinned Pieces

With WordPressChess, you can display training puzzles where users has to identify pinned pieces on the chess board. You can see this in action on the board below. Pinned Pieces puzzles are created with...


Tactics with the [pgn] shortcode

With WordPressChess, you can display tactics board for a single game using the shortcode. Example: You can see the result to the left. The PGN is inserted between the start and end of the...